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"Make That money honey" Affirmations and Journaling Prompts
"Make that Money Honey" candles have been inspired by our own journeys exploring abundance and lack programming! Did you know that by using these creations, you're quickly aligning with the healing we have done?! Healing is a ripple effect, and that's why we work so hard at what we do. With these candles, you will quickly attune yourself to attracting more opportunities, high paying clients, and success at whatever you put your mind to. They won't do ALL the work for you, but they will certainly make the right work more clear and more fun to do.  Click the button below for candle burning affirmations and "go deeper" journaling prompts.


These candles have been made with:

  • natural green coloring to vibrate healthy heart chakra energy and money attraction

  • green glitter to attract financial wealth

  • Red Clover for air and mercury energy, money, protection and success

  • Rose Hips for feminine, Venus and water energy, love, healing and luck

  • Aster for healthy emotions, contentment and protection

  • Goldenrod for luck, money and prosperity

  • Queen Anne's Lace for purified intentions, negotiating delicate matters, unearthing deep talent, and for making rebellious yet beneficial decisions in career or work if needed.

  • Tigers Eye for self confidence and inner strength

  • Cinnamon for attracting wealth, health and prosperity

  • Citrine for manifesting skills, self confidence, and mental clarity

  • Assorted Crystals for whatever else you may need!


I light this candle with gratitude. I thank this candle's flame for burning away any money beliefs I've picked up that do not align with total abundance and possibility. I thank this candle's aroma for inspiring money generating ideas. I thank the fire from this candle for clearing away all fears and doubts I may have about having more money, deserving more money, or being capable of receiving more money. The color of this candle attracts more money into my auric field! I feel it and I receive it! I ask this candle to help me see the way to embracing my truest self worth. I ask this candle to clear my mind of noise and make space for insights so I can take the actions that serve growing my wealth. I trust that I take the best actions in my highest good to grow my wealth. I ask this candle's light to surround my body and act as a beacon of light attracting my ideal customers OR clients OR dream job. I am free to use the wealth I am attracting however I please, and I trust that growing my wealth serves my highest joy and others around me. 

Journaling Prompts

Please take your time with these journaling prompts. Each question has 3 questions within. The more often you explore these questions. the clearer you'll be on how to live into your healthiest, fullest money making expression! 

1. What is my current story around money and generating more money?


(it can be helpful to look at your families patterns around money. How do they speak about it? What did you learn about money from them? It's also helpful to look at the financial patterns in your immediate culture. Are your friends living paycheck to paycheck? Are they frequently saying things like "I can't afford that?" Are the people you're surrounded by frequently hustling and working themselves to exhaustion? Are they apathetic towards money? Do they use money as a showcase for their worth?) Common money stories: 

  • "More Money More Problems"

  • "Money doesn't grow on trees you know"

  • "I can't afford that"

  • "Making Money is serious business and hard work"

  • "The rich just get richer"

  • "Rich people suck, so why would I want to be rich?"


2. Ultimately you get to decide who you are as a wealthy person. Take some time to re-write your money story.


What becomes possible if you make more money? How does your life get better? Who else could you possibly help? If you grew up in the perfect household, how would your ideal family have taught you about money? Would it be easy to make? Fun and acceptable to spend? Easy to be educated about? Easy to play with? Would there be a ceiling for how much is available to you? Would you have been taught more about all the abundantly creative ways to make more and utilize it intentionally?


3. Write out your ideal monthly income or yearly income. You can come back to this manifestation whenever you choose to upgrade it. Take some time to envision what it feels like to make that much. Don't take any doubt, fear or anger that comes up to seriously. That's normal. Keep practicing visualizing it feeling good. Make note of any negative feelings then visit this youtube channel  to clear the stories and feelings that will no longer be serving you here. 

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